ben higgins auction

Bachelor Nation is a small world. You and your staff put so much effort and many hours in preparing for this successful auction. How we protect your privacy Please see. WEEKLY AUCTIONS ENDING ON TUESDAYS!!!! All bidders picking up Sunday and Monday after auction will have a buyer's premium of 15%. Power shop tools including Shear, Lathes, Mill, Welders. scissor lift up to 31 high hard tires; Clark 2500 lb., propane, 2 section mast (parts); extra propane tanks. snatch blocks; plate grabs; ratchet straps & slings up to 40 x 6; etc. A pristine condition auction with no buyers premium! LIVE ON-SITE AUCTION. up to 48; 3 to 4 Slugger USA Magnetic base drills. 740-387-5111 Catalog Terms of sale Search Catalog : Search. connected to the hottest items and auction trends. Ransome Antique Auction Live & Online. This is an online only auction in which we will be selling tools, collectibles, household items, furniture, and much more. MARCH 16, 2023 @ 4:00 PM Located: 507 Universal Ave., Marion, OH., HARRIS ESTATE AUCTION REAL ESTATE-PERSONAL PROPERTY SAT. MARCH 16, 2023 @ 4:00 PM Located: 507 Universal Ave., Marion, OH. Ben Higgins Realty & Auction Co., LLC. W., Marion, OH 43302, Ben A. Higgins and Benjamin N. Higgins with Ben Higgins Realty & Auction Co. will serve as featured Auctioneers at, KEETS HOLLOW FARM EQUIP. Gilead,OH2023, SatApr22-09:00AM - New Riegel,OH2023. Be W. of Wooster Signs off US 30. AmEx is used for registration screening only. This will be a catalogued session with OVER 500 LOTS of FARM TOYS including 38 PEDAL TRACTORS! FOR THE LATE SAMUEL & RUTH ESTEP OF CARDINGTON, OH test weight); 40 hp. Looking for quality products with great value!Here are a variety of name-brand STORE RETURNS, most are fully complete and in good condition. The Predmores are retiring from a successful farming operation. Ben Higgins Realty & Auction Co., LLC | Marion OH Mansfield, OH 44903. I was mesmerized. June 26, 2021 @ 9:00 AM air blower; sev. Based out of Fullerton California since 1972 and most recently Yorba Linda California, Higgins Electric Inc. has served the surrounding communities for over 50 years. of Caledonia, 8mi. We are accepting farm & construction consignments from individua Go to Page : . See Auction Information for full details.". 3126 dsl. Thank you for your good marketing. REAL ESTATE (SELLS @ 11:00 AM): Marion Co. We are a two-generation, full-time, professional auctioneering and Real Estate firm. of McCutchenville (Higgins signs off SR 53 & SR 224). including hundreds of manuals, toys, advertising, and other pcs. Start Sat, Apr 8th 9:30 AM US/Eastern. Description. Signs off SR 4. ladders being Werner & Louisville being step, up to 12; extensions up to 40. of Marion, 11mi. Farm is halfway between US 30 & SR 42. service. & N gauge trains, 40 knives, etc. Begins: 11/27/20 at 9:00 AM EST Perfect to use at home or for reselling to swap meets, online line market places like eBay, and offer-up. In the case of a tie bid, precedence is given to the earliest bid. After completing the CAPTCHA below, you will immediately regain access to the site again. ESTATE AUCTION SATURDAY, MARCH 11, 2023 Sat Mar 11, 09:30AM Covington, OH by Havenar Auction Service ft.) consisting of 4 rooms being 2 bedrooms, living, HARRIS ESTATE AUCTION REAL ESTATE-PERSONAL PROPERTY SAT. We are currently licensed in Ohio, Pennsylvania and South Carolina. WATCH OUR WEBSITE FOR FULL LISTING COMING SOON! Bidder acknowledges and understands that this service may or may not function correctly the day of the auction. What a good family operation! /Users/jasonhiggins/Desktop/googlee2566ac2d290ee03.html LADDERS:over (15)Fiber & alum. motor, 1400 hrs. Marion, OH 43302-9407. Apartment and hotel/motel owners, and any hospitality business, buy at auction prices, brand new merchandise, ceiling fans, linens (Sheets, towels), amenities (soap, conditioner), faucets (bath and kitchen) + lots more. Vanguard gas on wheels. conduit, Purlins, hot roll plates to 1 ; angle, tube, flat, bar, round S.S. sheets & pcs., Hot roll flat & sq. REAL ESTATE (SELLS FIRST @5PM): Being offered online and with in person live bidding available on site! Auction #237973. AUCTION ORDER: Starting with Farm Equip. BID NOW THROUGH WED. JULY 13, 2022 Marion Womens Club 4th Annual Celebrity Dance Gala, KEETS HOLLOW FARM EQUIP. chain hoists; asst. For our most current project pictures, visit our Facebook and Instagram pages by clicking below. "Tax, Shipping & Handling and Internet Premium not included. Stegman is selling the contents of his beautiful Victorian Tudor home at auction. See our website for detailed list & dimensions; 25 X 3/8 90 degree elbow fitting; 25 X 3/8 T fitting. Any bidders with credit cards that are declined on reconciliation day will be charged a $25 processing fee to run another credit card- NO EXCEPTIONS. REAL ESTATE (SELLS @ 5:30 PM): 1995 clean, BOES ANTIQUE AUCTION HISTORICAL LOCAL EPHEMERA-FARMSTEAD PRIMITIVES-BREWERY & ADVERTISING-SLEIGH-GOAT WAGON-HORSEDRAWN PCS. Email: [emailprotected] Web: Tons of trading cards to collect and battle with!Superman, Batman, Green Arrow, X-Men. Location: 786 Kenton-Galion Rd E., Marion, OH 43302. Situated on 112' x 111' lot. Ben Higgins Realty & Auction Co., LLC . not included in the Instant Purchase price. Following a sparkler sendoff,. tool boxes; revolving bolt bin; 48 volt, 3 phase batt. Public Auction: "KANNIARD ESTATE AUCTION" by Ben Higgins Realty & Auction Co., LLC. shop press w/ Enerpac on wheels; Walker-Turner D-1100 floor model drill press; Jet BS-75, 18 metal band saw w/ carriage & 7roller table; Lg. timelapse 30+ days on the market . The second will be your settlement sheet noting all purchases and amount due. Terms: $5,000 down (non-refundable) day of auction with balance due in 45 days. On behalf of Ben Higgins Realty & Auction Co., LLC we invite you to participate in our annual Consignment Auction as a buyer or seller. LIVE AUCTION-NO BUYERS PREMIUM SAT. .nTOEE9{height:100%;overflow:hidden;width:100%}.nTOEE9.sqUyGm:hover{cursor:url(),auto}.nTOEE9.C_JY0G:hover{cursor:url(),auto}.HlRz5e{display:block;height:100%;width:100%}.HlRz5e img{max-width:var(--wix-img-max-width,100%)}.HlRz5e[data-animate-blur] img{filter:blur(9px);transition:filter .8s ease-in}.HlRz5e[data-animate-blur] img[data-load-done]{filter:none}.I5zqsT{display:block;height:100%;width:100%}.rYiAuL{cursor:pointer}.gSXewE{height:0;left:0;overflow:hidden;position:absolute;top:0;width:0}.S3GaTj{box-sizing:border-box;height:100%;width:100%}.bHLGFC{min-height:var(--image-min-height);min-width:var(--image-min-width)}.bHLGFC img{filter:var(--filter-effect-svg-url);-webkit-mask-image:var(--mask-image,none);mask-image:var(--mask-image,none);-webkit-mask-position:var(--mask-position,0);mask-position:var(--mask-position,0);-webkit-mask-repeat:var(--mask-repeat,no-repeat);mask-repeat:var(--mask-repeat,no-repeat);-webkit-mask-size:var(--mask-size,100% 100%);mask-size:var(--mask-size,100% 100%);-o-object-position:var(--object-position);object-position:var(--object-position)}.ROb7KR .S3GaTj{background-color:rgba(var(--brd,var(--color_15)),var(--alpha-brd,1));border-color:rgba(var(--brd,var(--color_15)),var(--alpha-brd,1));border-radius:var(--rd,3px);border-style:solid;border-width:var(--brw,2px);box-shadow:0 0 3px rgba(0,0,0,.5);display:block;overflow:hidden}.ROb7KR .bHLGFC{border-radius:calc(var(--sizeRd, var(--rd, 3px)) - var(--sizeBrw, var(--brw, 2px)));overflow:hidden}.ROb7KR:after,.ROb7KR:before{background-image:url();background-repeat:no-repeat;bottom:-26px;content:"";height:26px;position:absolute;width:165px}.ROb7KR:before{background-position:0 0;left:-20px}.ROb7KR:after{background-position:100% 0;right:-20px} Basic to complex! Every week we list thousands of new items at auction near you from our collection of over 25,000 auctioneers nationwide. We appreciated everyone's efforts. Directions: (South of Circleville) Granite Dr. is off Kingston Pike, just north of Tarlton Road. 43342, 5 mi. Please check your address and try again. Email: [email protected] Save This Photo. We have begun uploading our auction lots and will be adding additional lots throughout the week. This will be a catalogued session with OVER 500 LOTS of FARM TOYS. Your advice and expertise in helping us prepare for the sale were invaluable. are in like new condition and only used on 450 acres. Live & Online. of Waldo. 1 Les has retired from farming & Dave is selling his surplus concrete equipment from his ongoing business. N. of W. MARION CITY/ COUNTY AUCTION 43302, Ben Higgins Realty & Auction Co., LLC1210 Harding Highway West Marion, OH 43302, 740-387-5111 740-389-6202 Mr. Stegman is selling the contents of his beautiful Victorian Tudor home at auction. Professional Company with your interest being our priority, 2023 MARION FARM & CONSTRUCT. MARCH 18, 2023 @ 10:00 AM Located: 201 Barnhart St., Marion, OH. Country Store Pcs., Advertising, Petroleum, & much more! pcs., Black pipe, ; S.S. sanitary tubing from 2 to 14, fittings & clamps; sheets of sheet metal; lots of H. D. & round iron, lengths up to 20; angle iron up to 40 long. Vintage Topps Pokemon cards & Sports cards.Magic the Gathering, Pokemon, Flesh & Blood, Force of Will and more! Online Jim retired from farming sev. Ben Higgins Realty & Auction Co., LLC. We have created this email privacy policy to demonstrate our firm commitment to your privacy and the protection of your information. 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